Learn How to
Increase Your Sales with Recommendations
Cluvi’s AI analyzes your menu, compares it with the market, and generates insights to increase your sales by providing actionable strategies.

Más de 10.000 restaurantes están tomando las mejores decisiones con la data que les entrega Cluvi

Cluvi's AI is trained and validated by experts in the gastronomic sector.
In Cluvi, you will be able to obtain weekly tailored recommendations, based on deep and automatic analysis, and formulated with scientific methods such as Menu Engineering, Omnes, BCG matrix and others.
Cluvi's AI learns from +750 million events per month performed by Restaurants.
Learn from:
- +4 million dishes and beverages
- +38 million ingredients
- +6 million comments in polls
- Identify and unify products or SKUs
- Recognize the category of your products
- Recognize your product ingredients.
Product and Ingredient Recognition

- Visualize indicators of your business that have an opportunity for improvement.
- Understand why it is necessary to improve this indicator.
- Increase your average ticket.

- Visualize the impact of applying the proposed strategy.
- Make sure you measure the increase in sales.

- Displays the recommended strategy.
- Strategy aimed at improving the indicator on alert.
- Actionable strategies to improve your business.

Types of AI Insights to
increase your sales

Menu Optimization
- Increase or decrease the price of a product. Add an image to a product.
- Change the position of a category or product.
- Add or remove a product.

Increase average ticket
- Increase the sale of your appetizers or desserts.
- Boost the sale of your star products.
- Improve the sale of your less popular products.
- Create combos or pairings x moment of consumption.

Customer Loyalty
- Increase the frequency of your clients’ visits.
- Recover lost customers.
- Recover detractor or dissatisfied customers.
- Create your customer database and build customer loyalty.
Cluvi is the most advanced smart digital menu in the world, designed to increase your sales, decrease time and costs, understand your diners and make better decisions.